Finding old files is easy. Piping Get-ChildItem to Get-Member reveals there is a "LastWriteTime" propery. It's easy to get anything that's been written in the last year.
Get-ChildItem | where LastWriteTime -le (get-date).addyears(-1)That'll work but not really what I wanted. I need files that were written on or before a certain day, not just in the last year.
Get-ChildItem | where LastWriteTime -le 1/1/2015Ok that's better. I'm not really worried about specific files since each backup is in it's own folder.
Get-ChildItem -directory -recurse | where LastWriteTime -le 1/1/2015That did it. I just get a list of directories back. Unfortunately I'm getting some false positives. Looks like I'll have to actually write a script.
cd Relevant Folder
$directory = Get-ChildItem -Directory
foreach ($d in $directory) { (Get-ChildItem .\$d\backup -directory -Recurse | where lastwritetime -le 1/1/2015) | remove-item -Force -Recurse
}There we go. That'll get all the directories in the share and then step through each one and find the directories that are too old and send them to be deleted.
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